Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Earth, the separation has begun.
Gaia has entered the 8th segment of transformation; she is now in the point of no return.
蓋亞已經進入了轉型的第8階段。 她現在所處的位置已經不可能再回頭。
Division has started at third-dimensional level, and the groups of frequencies present in your plane of existence are being regrouped.
From now on, you will be seeing many signs of division and regrouping manifesting in your reality. Companies will split, friends will stop seeing each other, families will separate, groups will be divided, etc. And at the same time you will be witnessing the absolute opposite; you will join new groups, you will feel closer than ever to your loved ones, family and friends.
從現在起,在你們的實相中,你 們 將會看到很多分離與重組 的明顯跡象 。 公司們將拆分,朋友們將停止互相見面,家庭們將分離,集團們將分裂等等。 並且同時,你 們 將會目睹到完全相反的變化。 你 們 將會加入新的團體,你 們 將感到比以前更加接近你所愛的人、家庭和朋友們。
This change is neither positive nor negative. It is existential.
這個變化既不是正面的也不是負面的。 它就是存在著。
This is a natural step in the mass-ascension process.
Existence consists only of vibrations, and when the vibrations that builds your world change, your whole reality changes accordingly.
At soul level you know that at the moment you decided to embark on this journey, you have been empowered by the Infinite Consciousness to be the architect of your destiny. Just by drawing the blueprint you set in motion powerful energy/flows through your system that will lead you into awareness expansion.
在靈魂的級別上你 們 知道:在這一刻你 們 決定踏上這個旅程,你 們 已經被“無限意識”允許去成為你 們 命運的建築師。 僅僅通過繪製藍圖 (譯註:前面提到我們是建築師,所以這裡的藍圖恐怕並不是指出生前所設定好的靈魂的藍圖,而是比喻性的,指通常意義上的建築上的藍圖 ,所以這的意思也許是:並不需要我們一磚一瓦的建造,而是,只要通過我們的意志去規劃要怎麼建,只是去畫好藍圖就行了) ,你們就會從你們的系統啟動強大的能量流,而這,將引導你們 進入更大的覺知。
When you change your awareness frequency to a higher rate, you align your being with higher vibrations, anchoring them in your material reality, hence helping Gaia in her journey to the fifth density. Remember, giving and receiving happen simultaneously, so when you help Gaia , you are being helped too.
當你 們 改變你 們 的覺醒頻率到一個更高的頻率,你 們 就將你 們的存在與 更高的振動對齊,將 那些 (更高的振動)錨定到你們的物質實相, 從而在蓋亞她進入第五密度的旅程中提供幫助。 記住: 給予和接受是同時發生的,因此當你們幫助蓋亞的時候,你們也就被得到了幫助。
If she makes the ascension, a monumental change will occur in the universe, and you will be part of it. The last time a change of this magnitude has happened in any third-density world was 21 billion of your years ago.
如果她完成了提升,一個巨大的紀念碑式的變化將在宇宙中發生,並且,你 們 將是其中的一員。 上一次,在所有三次元世界中所發生過的如此規模的變化,是在210 (譯註:不是21) 億年以前。
The divine plan for the whole cannot go ahead without you, your individuality was given to you for the good of the whole, and your role is utterly irreplaceable.
如果沒有你 們 的參與,這整個計劃就不可能前進,你 們 被賦予了個性,這是為了能給全體帶來好處,你 們 的角色是全然無法替代的!
Once you understand this, you can start helping others to see the responsibility they have at this crucial point in human history. Everyone in your world has divine power that they do not realize he/she posses. The divine powers from within surfaces when consciously he /she start focusing attention on awakening it from the inner core of his/her very consciousness.
一旦你 們 明白了這些,你 們 就能夠開始去幫助其他人,讓他們也認識到:他們 在這人類歷史的關鍵時刻所負 的責任。 你們世界中的每個人都具備著,他/她所沒意識到的神聖的力量。神聖的力量來自於:當他/她開始 有意識的 聚焦關注於--從他/她真正意識的內在核心之內,去喚醒這神聖的力量。
Help them and help Gaia by making the most of yourself, raising you personal vibratory frequency towards the Creative Principle of Love. This requires a transformation of your being, a conscious attitudinal shift from your side.
以 你 們 最大的努力,並且 朝向“愛的創造原理”(那個方向)去提升你 們 個人的振動頻率--通過這樣來 幫助他們,幫助蓋亞吧 。 這需要“你這個存在”的轉變,需要從你 們 自身開始的有意識的轉變。
At the end of Gaia's ascension process/separation, two inter-dimensional gateways will open, one leading to fifth-density and the other one ending in third-density, your consciousness will align you with the gateway that best support your most dominant awareness frequency .
在蓋亞的“揚升過程/分離”結束的時候,兩個次元間的通路將會打開 ,一個(通路)導向第五密度,另一個 (通路) 終止於第三密度。 你 們 的意識會把你 們 與那個通路連到一起,那個通路將會支持你 們 ,給你 們 提供最優勢的覺醒頻率。
The re-union has begun. Little by little your group-soul will get together. In the process you may separate from others, but the shared moments and learning that has been gained in the company of others, will always remain in you as a gift of the beyond.
重組已經開始,一點一點的你們的靈魂團體將會走到一起。 在這個過程中,你 們 也許會離開其他人,但是,你 們 在其他那些團體中所獲得的:共同分享過的時光與學習,將會作為將來的禮物而永遠留在你 們 身上。
I AM Emmanuel
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