John: “In your last channeling you said: So, do not be concerned about the BIRTH, do not be concerned about 'life' and 'death', it is 'nothing', it is EVOLUTION. It is nothing to be 'feared '. The one thing you need to know and be 'secure' in, is that you 'know' that you ARE. You 'know' that you WERE that you ARE and that you will BE. When you become secure in THAT knowledge, then it does not matter 'where' your existence is.”
And relative to that, her first question is… “What it seems to me that you are talking about is horizontal growth as opposed to vertical growth.”
John: 在你上次的通靈中你說過: "不需要關心出生,不需要關心生命和死亡,它們什麼都不是,它們只是進化.沒有什麼可以感到害怕.你需要知道並且能讓你最有安全感的事就是: 你要知道你是誰? 你知道你就是你,你就是你所是.當你完全了解這個意思,那麼你在哪裡存在已經不重要了."
關於上面你說過的話語,你的意思好像是說: 我們的進化是橫向發展,而不是縱向發展?
DATRE: Now, I do not have the vaguest idea of what she's talking about, vertical growth and horizontal growth. Your 'growth' is not either vertical or horizontal. The 'growth' is INSIDE, it is non-directional. It is getting to know WHO you are, inside of you. Where your 'existence' lies, where your 'thinking' lies. It has nothing to do with 'up' and 'down', 'back' and 'forth'.
DATRE: 我可沒有隱晦地講過橫向發展或縱向發展.你的成長並不是橫向或縱向. 你的成長在裡面,它是沒有方向的.它是要讓你知道,在你的心裡,你是誰?無論你存在哪裡,無論你的想法是什麼,它都和上下前後無關.
For you to know WHO you ARE is what is important. You don't set out 'stakes' to 'measure' growth, because, what can you measure 'growth' by? You can't measure it by another person. You can 't 'measure' it by what other people 'tell' you. What is the 'measurement' of 'growth'? There is NONE. As soon as you start putting in such small, little containers, to 'measure', you' ve lost the 'point' of your 'existence' – you've lost the 'understanding'. Continue.
讓你知道你是誰才是最重要的.這樣你就不會設置標準來衡量你的成長,因為,你能用什麼來衡量呢?你不能用另外一個人來衡量.你也不能讓另外一個人告訴你如何衡量. 到底該怎樣衡量成長呢?這個問題沒有答案,這是無 ,沒有任何東西可以衡量.一旦你把自己放進一個窄小的盒子裡面衡量,你就失去了你存在的方向,你就失去了你的理解(悟).
JOHN: And her next question relative to that is… “I agree that if we just let go and let God, evolution does take place. But I also think that when an entity is able to expand their vision beyond the hologram of third dimensional limited thinking, that a more vertical or direct growth can take place.”
John: 她的下一個問題是: "我同意如果我們放手,讓神存在,那麼進化就開始了.我還認為當一個靈體能夠擴展它的視野,跳出第3密度限制想法的時候,一個看似橫向或縱向的進化就發生了."
DATRE: Well, first of all let us make a statement there. You have said 'let go and let God'. Now, what 'your' concept of what God is is an individualistic thing. Because, EVERYONE ON THE PLANET HAS THEIR OWN GOD. God, be it Buddha, be it anyone that you want to talk about. Your 'god' is your own 'god' and it is no one else's 'god'. You may all sit in a great big congregation of some sort , but the 'god' that you think of in 'your' mind, is your 'own' god, because you paint your 'own' pictures.
DATRE:好吧,首先讓我們看看你說的: "如果我們放手,讓神存在".現在,你的觀點是神是一個獨立的東西.因為在這個星球上的任何一個人都有他們心目中的神.神可能是佛陀,或者任何你能想到的.你的神是你自己的神,不是別人的神. 你們可能坐在一個巨大的聖會裡崇拜同一個神,但實際上,你們想的神可能是不一樣的.你說的神是你心裡想的神,是你自己的神,因為你在為你自己畫像.
Now, are you going to let go and just sit there and everything go wishie, washy and work off of MASS CONSCIOUSNESS? That's letting go and letting god and if you're going to work off of MASS CONSCIOUSNESS, where are you going to go ? You're going back into the 'dead zone' again, because you're 'not' happy with this existence here. That's the only reason people on this planet die, is because they're bored. They want to get 'out ' of here for whatever reason and the minute they're out of here they want to hurry up and get back IN here again. If you are STILL thinking in a 'god' concept, then you are going to find the Datre material very difficult . The 'god' concept is a 'physical' concept. Datre's teachings are from a Universal standpoint. The Universe doesn't have a 'god'. The Universe has 'individuals' that 'maintain' different 'portions' OF the Universe. But, they have no one to look for or look to. They don't 'look' to anyone, they DO and those that are beginning to 'grasp' the understanding of 'Universal' concepts, are anxious to find out what it is like there – not here. So, the 'god' concept does not fit Universal teachings, in any way, shape or form. Continue.
聽了剛才所講的, 現在你是不是坐在那裡空想並且想釋放掉你以前對神的想法,那個群體意識呢? 如果你正想這樣做的話,你就是在放手,讓神存在.你想讓你的意識去哪裡? 你又回到了一個死胡同里,因為沒有了神,你開始對你的存在不滿意了.這就是為什麼這個星球上的人會死亡,因為他們都很無聊,對自己的存在不滿意.為了某種原因他們都想逃出去,但是一旦逃出去了,下一秒,他們又迫不及待的想回到這裡.如果你還是用神的觀念來想問題,你就會發現很難弄懂我(Datre)說的內容.神的觀點是一個物質觀點.Datre的教導是以宇宙的觀點來描述的.宇宙中沒有神;宇宙中只有不同的個體在維護不同的宇宙部分.但是沒有任何人"照看"他們.他們也不"看"任何人,他們只是去做,想了解更多關於宇宙的概念,很好奇的想知道這裡有什麼,那裡有什麼(體驗). 因此神的觀念並不適合宇宙的觀點.
JOHN: And her next question is… “Some channeled entities say there is nothing we need to do and others say that is a lie and you have to do the work to break out of the illusion of third dimensional existence. It seems to me that you are saying we just need to sit back and let it all happen – what I call the horizontal path. Is that correct?”
JOHN: 有些通靈的靈體說我們什麼都不需要做.但其他人說那是謊言,你必須去做,打破第3密度的幻象.對我來講,你好像是說我們就只需要坐在那裡,讓一切發生.是嗎?"
DATRE: No, that is NOT correct. What have we been… since we first came on the net, when you first began to read this material, what have we constantly, constantly, constantly asked you to do, but ONE thing, KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Now, the amazing thing that happens, when that first little glimpse of knowing who YOU are, happens, from there on it begins to snowball. From the information that John and Aona get constantly, of those that have HIT that little bit of 'knowing WHO they are', their whole lives have absolutely changed. It is like they do not even recognize the person they were last week, because they're 'seeing', their whole demeanor changes, because they're painting 'different ' pictures in front of them. They're seeing things entirely different, from a different standpoint. They're NOT looking at it the way MASS CONSCIOUSNESS looks at it, they no longer 'see' as those in MASS CONSCIOUSNESS see. Yes, they see, they exist, they're in physicality, but their 'perception' of incidences and experiences, are entirely different, because a change takes place when you once hit that little spark that says, “I KNOW WHO I AM”, I AM. Then, everything else changes. Continue.
DATRE:不,那不對,當我們第一次來這裡,當你開始讀這篇文章的時候,我們就一直不停在說一件事,就是了解你是誰?從現在開始,當你第一次真正想知道自己是誰,令人驚異的事情就開始發生,這個雪球開始越滾 越大了.在John和Aona的經驗中得知, 當他們開始真正的了解自己,他們的生活就完全轉變了.他們好像完全變了一個人,他們使用不同的視角來觀看世界,他們為自己描繪不同的人生藍圖.他們完全用不同的眼光來看待事物,從一個不同的視角.他們不再用群體意識來觀看.是的,他們在看,他們也存在著,他們在物質世界裡,但是他們對生活的影響和體驗有了完全不同的覺知和洞察力.這個改變的發生就在他們撞擊了靈性的那一點點火花: "我知道我是誰",我是,然後,一切都改變了~
什麼是神/一切萬有(All That Is)?
現在讓我們來專門講講神。在某一個時間點內,你們用“神”來做為比你們更強大的參考。“我崇拜神,我崇拜佛...”現在你們的覺知開始增加,有人願意找尋更多的宇宙知識。很多人開始把神當做“他”,一個可以獲得偉大豐盛的人,因為人類的思想模式已經改變,現在需要一個比神還偉大的代名詞出現,“ All That Is ”(一切萬有,造物主)這些詞就出現了。
“ 一切萬有 ”這個詞是多少年前被創造出來的?當時被創造出來,是為了讓你們了解在這個星球之外還有其它比神還高的概念。因此你可以看出,不同的概念的介紹是為了不斷擴展你們的覺知,但是對你們來說,一切萬有只是一個更大的神而已。這是一個非常好的類推,因為在這個宇宙中,無論是大宇宙還是你們這個泡泡內的宇宙,無論往哪個方向研究,當獲得足夠的經驗後,最後你都將接觸到一切萬有。
這個意思是說,在你們這個小小的泡泡宇宙中,任何你思考的線路或希望追尋的線路都和物質身體與心智有關。你們一共有2種能力,身體能力加上心智能力組成了你們的肉體性;現在,這個“一切萬有”包含在這個小泡泡宇宙中,為了你們的星球,為了你們的學習,讓你們去探索,但是“一切萬有”並不是一個個體.換句話說, 也許你們認為神就是那個創造了一切的人,或者你認為神比人具有更多的意識。但我們是不會用那樣的方式來描述,對我們來講,神就是“Energy(能量)”。 能量不是個體。你擁有意識,你在這個物質結構中擁有很多不同的,可以用來表達“一切萬有”的東西。從我們的角度來看,最簡單的表達就是: 一切萬有就是能量。
翻譯 by QingQing