


I am Archangel Azriel and I come through our channel at this time to help those who have found themselves in the illusion of death. Many who incarnated on planet earth made the decision on incarnation that they would not live out the life experience for the full “assumed” years of a human BEing. Dear ones there is much pain around the leaving of a soul and yet the pain is unwarranted, the pain is to be moved through, it is not to be kept like a reminder or a trophy of the soul who leaves. Many are deeply engrossed in the pain and the trauma and even now find it hard to speak even the name of the loved one who has left. Illusion teaches deeply and consistently around human death and we are here to help you move through it. 


Many have experienced the death of loved ones and then moved further into the grief of major “tragedies”, we note the outpouring of grief across the planet for souls who have no interaction with other souls, such is the depth of pain carried within the heart. The new energies dear ones are here to dissolve that which no longer serves and the illusion of death and dying is one such energy that is no longer supported. We fully acknowledge how difficult our words may be to hear yet in those words is the release and the calmness that your soul cries out for, for at no point did you enter into a contract as a human BEing to live in extreme agony and pain for the duration of the human life experience. This is illusion dear ones and we are here to help you lift the veils of illusion so that you may begin to breathe and to FEEL again .For in FEELing you reconnect to that which you were taught had been lost.


The physical loss is one of shock and disbelief, there is not a human BEing alive dear ones who can fully appreciate the mortality of being in human form. It is illusion that is taught across the planet where in many societies death is forbidden to be spoken of. Much illusion swirls around the death and dying of a human BEing. Many are shocked to the core of their BEing and are not allowed to process the event and the passing in a way that will see them move out of the grief and back into the reconnection to the human life experience. Illusion has taught that all humans should live to a certain age and has failed to acknowledge that this cannot be known by anyone how long a human is to live for that is part of the souls contract and only the soul has access to this information. To perpetuate the illusion it is taught that children should always outlive their parents and this illusion teaching brings extra heartache where there is already much pain. Do you see dear ones how the anchoring of this teaching will pour more salt on an already open wound?


Each soul incarnates on the planet earth to experience the human life experience. Each soul enters into contracts with other souls as to the lessons to experience and the joys and losses that are to be experienced. This is to help the soul grow and expand. Everyone connected in that human life experience has agreed to all that unfolds. This is done out of love, for illusion teaches deeply around love and draws many humans away from the TRUTH about LOVE. Love is not about losing, love is about embracing for true LOVE knows no bounds, it does not hurt to love dear ones, for to love freely is to embrace TRUTH. Where you feel that love hurts then illusion teaches. The person who states that they love you whilst trying to contain you does not love you, they teach you, they show you lessons but they do not love in the true sense. They are separate and are being taught as you are being taught. Do our words make sense to you dear ones? For to love someone is to stand in your power and allow that person to stand in theirs. Yet we see many who are paralysed by love, love that threatens to break them, this is not love dear ones, it is the illusion teaching.


For many who are trapped in marriages with people they nolonger relate to the lesson is freedom, where they feel trapped they create thetrap, illusion feeds this trap and they close their hearts. What is beingtaught is that freedom is from within. Whilst you allow another to define andto contain you then you both walk in illusion. It takes one person to break thetrap dear ones, for both to learn the lesson. Do you understand our words? 


When we see the grief that a parent stores over the “loss”of a child we see illusion teach that love hurts. Yet love heals dear ones andto allow the LOVE that IS to heal your heart sees the connection to the lovedone that has gone from the physical strengthen and be open to you. For those who move to the spiritual plane are free from the physical limitations that youare bound by. They see fully the contract, the playing out of the contract andthey stand ready to help support and to heal. Illusion seals your ears and youreyes, you walk blind and deaf through grief that teaches you that all is lost,yet your loved one stands at your side, holding your hand and trying to reachyour heart. For they are no longer bound by illusion and try to help you seethe illusion. Do you understand our words dear ones? Do you see how illusion keeps you from the very energy that seeks to help free you? 

當我們看到父母陷入“喪失” 孩子的痛苦的時候,我們看到幻覺在告訴人們,愛使人受傷。事實正好相反,當你們看到你們深愛的人從物理上消失了,同時向你敞開內心的時候,愛會治療你們的心。因為那些走到靈魂領域的人們已經被從物理限制中走了出來,而你還限制在這物理幻像中。他們看到了生命契約的全部,從而可以站立在契約之外,時刻準備著幫助你們,支持你們,治療你們。幻覺封閉了你們的耳朵和眼睛,親愛的朋友們。悲痛讓你們目盲,讓你們耳聾,悲痛告訴你們,你們失去了全部,然而你們深愛的人就站在你們身邊,試圖到達你們的心。因為他們已經不再被幻覺所綁定著,他們在試圖幫助你們看清這幻覺。你們明白我們的話麼,親愛的朋友們?你們是否看清幻覺如何將你們從試圖釋放你們的能量身邊引開麼?

Know that many souls have completed this lifetime and many more will leave over the coming days and weeks. The contracts completed and the lessons learned. Theirs is a leaving that is by choice, many will come straight back into this dimension and be born once more to experience the new. Others will wait and watch as all unfolds. Know that you have access to ALL at ALL times. What stops you hearing is grief, what stops you feeling is grief and what stops you seeing is grief. Grief is the transition from one state of BEing to another and is a process that has various steps. Missing steps out is how illusion teaches. For it teaches that all should stand solid and not cry, that all should somehow carry on yet not mourn for the loss of the physical. Even deeper teachings show how to keep the pain so raw that the grief is not moved through at all, all is raked over and the heart locked tight from the pain of the trauma. Do you see how illusion steals the LOVE from your life? Do you see how illusion keeps you from that which is next to you? 


We guide for all to allow the old to dissolve. The relative your mourn is not in the clothes that you have kept, nor the photographs that you pull to your heart as you feel it break. For they stand next to you, they pour love through you, around you and hold the space for you. But illusion may blind you, many mothers cry out for their children only for their children to answer them. So wrapped in the illusion of loss and grief they do not hear the whispers of love that are spoken softly in their ears. They do not feel the tender caress of their cheek from the loved one that stands next to them. For ALL are ONE. 


As the new unfolds then new ways of BEing will emerge. For those who ready to embrace TRUTH we guide that you to allow all to dissolve. That which was never TRUTH will leave to be replaced with TRUTH that was always there and always in your heart. For the heart knows TRUTH and it is the heart that illusion teaches is broken, that will never mend. Many never venture anywhere near the heart so deep is illusions teachings. Those who have courage to venture into the heart find that the pain is but illusion, that through the tears there is a strength so great that they are moved to tears. For strength is how you move forward, never is anything experienced without the tools to move through it also given. Your heart contains LOVE and that is the answer to everything in this human life experience. 


Those who move into the spiritual and leave the physical behind merely move across the rainbow bridge dear ones, a bridge that you areable to access at any time. You may only walk part way across the bridge inhuman form but the soul who has moved over is able to meet you half way. Know that this is available to ALL at ALL times. The way to find the rainbow bridgeis to move into the heart for the heart is the map to all of the human life experience. 


As you begin to thaw out the emotions that illusion taught you to store you begin to reawaken that LOVE for it never dies, it is like a flame that burns for eternity. That flame is what keeps you alive for ALL ARE ONE, ALL are connected in TRUTH. 

當你試著從幻覺的封印中走出來,將幻覺帶給你們的不必要的感情扔在一邊的時候,你們會重新醒來,因為愛從不會死亡,它就像永遠燃燒的火焰一樣。那火焰是你們生命的源泉,因為所有的一切本是一體,所有的一切都和“真實” 緊密相連。

I am Archangel Azriel and I come to help you release thatwhich no longer serves, that is not the memories of your loved ones dear ones,it is the illusion that teaches they are lost. NONE are lost for ALL ARE ONE.Reach into your heart and allow it to FEEL once more, for the loved one will stand next to you for eternity until you meet once more in spirit. Know this.


Copyright Karen Doonan, All rights reserved 
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is stated.



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