You are the One and the One is You
By AA Michael thru Hazel
Feb 9, 2011 - 2:10:31 PM
2011年2月9日 2:10:31 PM
Arch Angel Michael
You are the One and the One is You
Behold I am here with thee in every way. Know that when you seek to connect with me I am already here. I will be your very breath; the very love and joy you feel at the very moment of unification. I ask that you know me of the One mind. Do not look for me in visions or apparitions for I am pure energy.
看哪~~我此刻與你以任何方式同在。 請知道,當你尋求與我連接的時候,我就已經在這裡了。 我可以是你的呼吸,在每個統一的時刻,你所感受到的最真摯的愛和喜悅。 我要求你能認識我的【上帝意識】。 完全不要去在視覺和幻影中尋找我,因為我是純然的能量。
Treat as thus, as we bring you into a new conditioning- a new frame of thinking and spiritual orientation that requires only the knowing and dealing with spirit that is energy in its purest form.
There is much difficulty associated with the achievement of this thought pattern as your training has caused you to look for things in matter. Allow your desire for Oneness, its experiencing and knowing, guide you into a higher awareness of what that Oneness is, that you may begin to see from within, the primary source as you and you the primary source. It is energy in its purest that must be known, not perceived and it is this very energy that you must move into Oneness with. For in the naturalness of its being will you find what you seek- your presence, your truth, your all.
這裡有許多與思維模式相關的難點,因為你的培養過程已經導致你習慣去尋找出現問題的事物。 允許你的願望與【合一】對齊,祂的體驗和覺知,引導你進入一個更高【合一】存在的覺知層面,那樣你可以開始從其內部看見,這第一源頭就是你,而你也是這源頭。 這便是能量存在於它最純潔的層面,必須被知曉,非常難於理解,而它就是這非常的能量,而你必須與【合一】對齊。 因為它便是這能量存在於它的自然狀態中,也是你將發現的所有你在尋找的--你的存在方式,你的真理,你的全部。
As the pure energy of spirit unfolds within thee you begin to transcend the inhabited world and journey deeper and deeper into the realm of great familiarity. Light bulbs will blink and then begin to shine, as the inner you, true self, God, begins his descent to direct your thinking. It is only through your allowance, your permission that this magical release takes place.
因為這純然的靈性能量在你的內在中揭示自己,你開始超越這居住的世界,旅行到更深,更深處,進入了這偉大通曉一切的實相之中。 光球開始閃爍,然後散發光芒,作為你的內在自我,你的真實自我,【神】,開始祂的下降之旅來指揮你的想法。 它僅僅可以通過你的允許,你的表態才可以讓這魔法般的釋放開始發生。
You will then begin to experience the energetic opening and expansion of thy heart auricle and the transition from self to Oneness begins. The energy within the heart takes on a tubular form almost hose- like and it begins its outpouring of scintillating Love, innocent, pure and whole. It then extends in circular fashion to encompass everyone and everything in your periphery of vision that with certainty, as you enter new segments of inner unfolding and experience, the feeling enhances and a sensation of peace overtakes and pure understanding dawns.
你隨之開始去體驗這有力的心臟瓣膜的開啟和擴張,並且這過渡從【自我】連接到【合一】的面向。 存在於心臟之內的這股能量從心室進入一個管道--就好像它開始了它閃爍的愛的流露,純真的流露,純潔的流露和整體的流露。 然後它擴展進入循環系統,確實地包圍住在你可見體表中的每個細胞和事物,由於你進入內在揭示和體驗中的新的片段,這種感受加強了,一股寧靜的感受沖刷了進來,一種純然的覺知浮現了。
This awakening will sharpen your focus and you begin to relieve yourself more and more of what will now be outdated patterns of behaviour and thinking that the world has imposed upon you. Truly you will begin the transition as you transcend the world as you know it and your perceptions surrounding it. You shall release all judgement as you come to understand that You are ALL.
這個【覺醒】的意識將會銳化你的焦點,並且你開始調解你自己,越來越多的將變成過去的行為模式和想法,那些世界強加給你的一切。 真實的,你將開始這個過渡,因為你超越了這個世界,因為你看透了它並且你的感知包圍了它。 你將釋放所有的【批判】,因為你越來越明白,你就是【一切】。
Through your journey in physical projection you will come to an appreciation that you must master yourself in your world. This however will indeed only be your first conquest; for the self mastery will accord with the knowing of the ONE who you are.
Beloveds this is not a new message or a new concept; just an expression of what we have efforted to teach you ones time and time again, Yet the learning is in the repetition; for many must have multiple experiences before the lessons are learnt. The teaching is always brought in purest love to help you on your journey out of the illusion of the world into the reality of the One that you may come face to face with your power, the very source of infiniteness- YOU.
摯愛的,這並不是一個新的信息或者一個新的概念,僅僅是我們已經努力教導你們的知識的一個擴展,很多次了,只是再次提及而已,然而,學習就是不斷重複,因為許多的知識必須有符合多樣的經驗,在這個課程被學習完成之前。 而這教導也一直在【最純然的愛】中被給予,幫助你完成你的旅程處理這個世界的幻象,進入【合一】世界的完美之中,那樣你們可以面對面的與你的力量交流,與這非常的無限源頭交流--也就是你自己的【神性】。
Love your brothers and sisters, love all life force in your created world for you are but them in another projection and they are but you. To project hatred, anger reviling or condescension towards another is a reflection on you; for your brother is but a mirror of you and you of him. What you do to him you do to yourself.
愛你的兄弟和姐妹們,愛所有在你世界受造的生命形式,而不用管他們是不是在另外一個受造的議程中,他們就是你。 對於突出【憎恨】,【憤怒辱罵】或者對其他人的【屈就】都是來自一個你對於自己的【反射】,而你的兄弟們只是你的一面【鏡子】,而你是他們的【鏡子】。 所以你對他們做的一切,其實就是對你自己做同樣的事情。
Dear ones, has it become more apparent that you hurt only you when you hurt another? Let love be your fulcrum, your inspiration, your influence and your purpose. Live the love that you are that all barriers of illusion may become extinct that you see the truth.
親愛的,它是不是變得更顯而易見,你傷害他人即是在傷害你自己呢? 讓【愛】成為你的支柱,你的【靈感】,你的【影響力】和你的【目標】。 讓【愛】鮮活起來,那麼存在於你面前的所有幻象的障礙便消失殆盡,於是你看到了【真理】。
You cannot say you know how to love or that you love and then follow that statement with the action, thought or feeling of hatred. God is PURE LOVE. In the seeking of Oneness with God and in the knowing of God as yourself, love is the key that will successfully open the portals that gain you entry to the ecstasy that is God. Love must be manifested in your creations and underlie every response. It is the very breath of life. It is the circle that represents to whole. It is your beginning and your end.
你不能說你知道如何去愛,或者你去愛了,然後又帶上了【憎恨】的想法,感受,行動,和狀態。 【神】是【純然的愛】。 讓自己存在於探尋與【神合一】的道途中,存在於知覺那【神】就是你的感受中,【愛】是關鍵,將會成功地打開入口讓你踏入進去,而這【狂喜】的狀態便是【神】。 【愛】必須在你的創造行動中被彰顯出來,並且構成每個回應的基礎。 這便是生活的非常的呼吸。 這便是代表整體的循環。 這便是你的開始,也是你的結束。
My beloveds you will know when you find yourself in that flow of Oneness as the love will glow from within, and without you will wear that glow as light. Love transforms you into the light that you really are. You will begin to live that which you feel.
摯愛的,你將會知道,當你在那個【合一】的流動中發掘你自己,那麼【愛】便會隨之流動進來,並且在你之外祂也閃耀著愛的光芒。 【愛】轉變你進入光,那便是你真實的自己。 你將開始生活在你真實的自我之中。
Though there appear to be many, your inner thinking and sight will know only One; for your perceptions will gradually disappear and your knowing will replace and the form of light which is spirit, will present itself in all you see.
Do not be impatient for the unfolding; know that the frequency of your desire will determine the measure and timing of the experience. Enjoy the expanded feeling of Oneness as it occurs; for the joy of each moment of expanded awareness is to be treasured.
千萬不要為了這些【揭示】而表現出【無耐心】,要明白你願望的頻率將會確立這經驗的【尺度】和【時機】。 歡喜在這擴展的【合一】感受中,因為這每個擴展的覺知力的時刻的【喜悅】都是寶貴的財富。
Greater shifts are currently occurring within many during the period of great awakening. In many this awakening will trigger the consciousness of Oneness and thus will begin another segment of experience towards wholeness.
更偉大的轉變正在確實的發生著,伴隨著許多的偉大覺醒的時刻。 在許多之中,這【覺醒】的力量將激發【合一的意識】,因此將開始其他的體驗的片段朝向那更完整的整體。
I speak of these things today for the move towards Oneness is the intention that underscores what you term ascension, being the graduation as a new cycle predominates. You ones must begin to chart the lessons so that mankind will understand in truth his origin and nature. Oneness can only be taught as the reality of God's kingdom. Each of his own effort and desire must seek it; for only then will the spirit within man begin to work to release the jewels that will in time enable man to experience and BE the ONE .
我今天說了這些事情,為了這行動朝向【合一】的意圖,那強調便是你們稱之為的【揚升】,一個畢業禮作為一個全新周期的問世。 你們大家必須開始去詳細計劃這些課程,好讓人類行走在【真理】之中,這也是神的【源頭】與【本質】。 【合一】僅可以被教導在上帝國度的真實中。 祂的每個自我努力和願望必將是探尋它,也僅此以後人類心中的靈性將開始工作去釋放出珍貴的特質,那將立刻導致人類體驗到【成為救世主】。
Arch Angel Michael.