
Seraphin through Rosie, 15th December 2010


R. Dearest Seraphin, you know that I am feeling tired and headachy. I am uncertain how to best serve at this critical time when there seems to be so much stop and go and still much which is nebulous and not yet revealed  what do you advise? What do I - or what do we - need to know?



S: Dearest, the path is long and you have been treading it much longer than you think. The feeling of heaviness is an accumulation of the resistance you have met through the ages, resistance to the progress of the truth you are trying to carry. The memory of this is seeping through to you now. The purification of worldy values is your mission. In this very heavy setting - laden with distrust, disinformation and darkness of all natures - it sometimes feels like a never-ending sojourn, dragging your feet through mire, but always moving  however slowly  towards the light. You pull those who recognise your own light. Those who accompany you are attracted for a reason: you can expand their vision, you can give them hope, you can remove their fear. But in the face of great darkness, your light is clouded. Your task? To burn all the more brightly and continue your own search, letting go (at exactly the right time) of those who may be pulling you.

S: 親愛的,路途很漫長,你已經步行了比你想像的更長的旅程。這種沉重感是經年累月以來你所遇到的阻礙的積累,這是對你試圖傳遞真理的過程的一種阻力。這個記憶正滲入你內心。對普世價值的淨化是你的使命。在這個沉重的充滿了不信任,扭曲的資訊以及所有類型的黑暗的環境中,這使命似乎看起來是一個長久的旅途,泥潭拉住了你的雙腳,但總是前行-無論如何的慢-朝向光明。你正吸引那些辨認出你自己的光的人前行,那些陪伴你的人被一個原因所吸引:你能擴展他們的視野,你能給他們希望,你能移除他們的恐懼。但是在巨大的黑暗面前,你的光被籠罩住了。你的任務?是更加閃亮地燃燒並繼續你自己的探索,讓那些拽住你的人(在適當的時候)遠去吧。


Why do others not see the light? The limits of human perception, especially on your planet, are sometimes astounding to us. After all, you all form new experiences by going a step further, then looking around, then taking another step, then looking back and around again to reorientate yourselves. But some march on ahead without thinking, without looking back, without awareness of their position with regard to the light. The light, their divine mission, is not their point of orientation. Sometimes they get lost, and when they realise this, they look for the light again  Even for mortals moving very slowly, orientation is possible. For us it is a normal process.



The main message here is to KEEP YOUR OPTIONS OPEN instead of keeping to rules, restricting oneself to usual modes of expression, fulfilling perceived comittments or expectations, for these will lead you down one road only. This is the meaning of TUNNEL VISION, a very inflexible way of going through life. At some stage you will look around and see what you have been missing.



It is this one-sided approach of your friends and acquaintances  in addition to the karma with which they are presently being confronted  which confounds you. One way to deal with this is to draw them towards the idea of SUSPENDING DISBELIEF, a process with which all are familiar. If you are watching a film about a pig who flies and talks, you will temporarily suspend disbelief that this is not possible and enjoy the story anyway as long as it lasts. You will identify with the feelings of the pig, laugh and cry with the pig. And if you look through your window and see a pig fly past, you will be more inclined to accept its presence, as opposed to banning it as a figment of an overactive imagination.



This is a way of entering realms which seem too miraculous to be true, like the fact that space ships are circling the earth. Here you can ask What if? What if they were here? What if they could help us turn earth into a paradise? How can we start to build this paradise ourselves now? How would the inhabitants of such a paradise live, work and play? What would be their belief system, their code of good conduct, their treatment of each other and their environment? By such focussing on a global scale, the dark monstrous jungle which the thoughts and actions of man have created will crumble. These positive visions are the precursors of action.



Do not cry, my heart, for progress is being made with every step you take, irrespective of whether the companions at your side cling to the hem of your coat, fall by the wayside, take a different turning, or continue to hold your hand. Know that we are invisibly carrying you, removing obstacles when necessary, placing obstacles when necessary, so that you do not stumble, so that you do not stray too far from the path. We would ask you to persist, for there is not much time remaining, and to keep your walking shoes in good repair, although your feet may feel tired and cold.



The reward of this is not just the personal triumph of staying the course  however admirable  but the joy of realising that you are not alone on your journey, and that your companions on a soul level are also travelling towards the same destination, with the same purpose, TO CONVERGE AT THE SAME POINT. This reunion will be your ultimate joy and confirmation that the direction was correct and the journey worthwhile.



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